7 things you need to know about On Board Courier

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On Board Courier(OBC), also known as on-board hand carry express delivery, An on board courier (OBC) is a service that involves the use of a dedicated courier who travels with time-sensitive or valuable cargo on a commercial flight to ensure its timely and secure delivery. This service is often used for urgent shipments, such as medical supplies, legal documents, or high-value electronics.

Below are 7 things you need to know about On Board Courier:

  1. What is On Board Courier?

    An On Board Courier (OBC) is an individual or courier service hired to personally accompany and hand-carry time-sensitive or valuable items on a commercial flight. The On Board Courier is responsible for ensuring the secure and timely delivery of the items to their destination. This service is often used for urgent shipments, high-value goods, sensitive documents, or other items that require special attention and quick delivery.

  2. Purpose of On Board Courier

    The main purpose of on board courier is to provide a more convenient and efficient delivery option for customers. By delivering packages directly to the recipient's vehicle, customers no longer need to go to a post office or courier company to pick up their packages. This saves time and effort for customers, as well as reduces the risk of packages being lost or stolen.

  3. How On Board Courier works

    When a customer orders a package through a courier company, the company typically provides an option for on board delivery. The customer selects this option and provides the courier with the recipient's vehicle information, such as the license plate number or the vehicle's unique identifier. The courier then delivers the package directly to the recipient's vehicle.

  4. Advantages of On Board Courier

    On board courier has several advantages over traditional delivery methods. First, it saves time for customers, as they no longer need to go to a post office or courier company to pick up their packages. Second, it reduces the risk of packages being lost or stolen, as they are delivered directly to the recipient's vehicle. Finally, it provides a more convenient and efficient delivery option for customers, especially those who are busy or have limited access to transportation.

  5. Disadvantages of On Board Courier

    On board courier has some disadvantages compared to traditional delivery methods. First, it requires customers to provide sensitive information about their vehicles, such as the license plate number or the vehicle's unique identifier. This information could be misused if it falls into the wrong hands. Second, on board courier services may not be available in all areas or for all types of vehicles. Finally, the cost of on board courier services may be higher than traditional delivery methods, depending on the company and the type of service selected.

  6. Safety measures of On Board Courier

    To ensure the safety of packages during on board courier deliveries, courier companies typically take several safety measures. These measures may include using tamper-resistant packaging to prevent packages from being opened or damaged during delivery, as well as using secure data transmission methods to protect sensitive customer information.

  7. Future trends of On Board Courier

    In the future, on board courier services may become more popular and widely available. With the increasing use of technology and mobile devices, customers may be able to track their packages in real-time and receive notifications when their packages are delivered directly to their vehicles. Additionally, courier companies may develop new technologies and processes to improve the efficiency and safety of on board courier deliveries.

7 things you need to know about On Board Courier

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