What is an On Board Courier?

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An On Board Courier (OBC) is a service offered by courier companies where a professional courier travels on board a commercial flight to hand-carry time-sensitive or valuable items to their destination.

When utilizing an OBC service, the courier accompanies the shipment personally, ensuring its security and timely delivery. They may carry the items on their person or as part of their carry-on luggage, depending on the nature and size of the shipment. OBCs are typically chosen for their reliability, trustworthiness, and ability to meet strict deadlines.

The primary purpose of using an OBC service is to expedite the delivery process, particularly for urgent or critical shipments. By bypassing traditional shipping methods, which can involve multiple handling stages and potential delays, OBCs offer a faster and more secure alternative. They can take advantage of their passenger status to access direct flights, make quick connections, and minimize the risk of loss or damage to the items being transported.

On Board Courier services are commonly utilized in industries such as pharmaceuticals, aerospace, automotive, and high-tech, where time is of the essence and the value of the goods justifies the additional cost of such a service. They are particularly beneficial for international shipments, where customs procedures and other logistical challenges can be effectively managed by a dedicated courier.

Please note that the field of courier services is dynamic, and specific practices and offerings may vary among different companies and regions. It's always advisable to consult a reputable courier service provider for the most accurate and up-to-date information on their OBC services.

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